What the Meaning of Bismillah in Urdu Means:

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The word Bismillah has two meanings: its literal and its figurative meaning. In simple words, it is a prayer for peace. It literally means "in the name of Allah" and this term is in fact the Arabic name of the word. The Muslims in general use the Arabic word in their daily prayers, where in Quran it is called as "In the name of God"In the name of Allah".

In short, the Noun form of the word is 'Nasool' which means peace. The figurative form of the word is 'Mahmud'. The people of Muslim countries use this form of the word when they wish to pray for peace. Bismillah means in Arabic as the words that the person wishes to be heard and to pray for peace. It also means, "Allahu Akbar" which means "God is Great" and this word will be pronounced by a Muslim when he wishes to invoke Allah for his country and its welfare.

Bismillah meaning in Urdu basically means "I beseech You for Allah's help." This simple saying is not a long sentence but a single phrase or a single word. The meaning of this single word of Bismillah in Urdu is actually a request or a call to Allah to help a Muslim nation for peace and prosperity. So this form of the word is used in greeting in order to tell a Muslim fellow Muslim that he is a brother in faith and relationship.

The Bismillah is a great war cry of Muslims and should not be taken lightly. In fact, it should be used for all the reasons as mentioned above. But it is equally important that the Bismillah should be used in all the situations when Muslims face difficulties in their societies.

In addition to being a great call for peace and prosperity, Bismillah also means a prayer for help when a Muslim loses a loved one. It also means an intercession for a man who has been executed in a just trial of law. It also means that Muslims pray for happiness and well-being of the beautiful prophet Muhammed. It also means that Muslims pray for the safety of the people of Holy Koran.

Now you know the basic meanings of Bismillah in Urdu. A simple form of prayer but a mighty thing, Bismillah can change the world. We know Bismillah can make the world a better place. What's more?

Bismillah meaning in Urdu is a part of Holy Quran and it has been started by Maharajah Zaman of India. It was started by Maharajah Zaman after he was a victim of the Indian Insurgency. He used to hear people praying loudly from the top of his garden and he wanted to ask them why they were doing so. So he decided to speak and started to read a verse of Holy Quran which read, "Allah is the greatest" and he decided to spread the word about the greatness of Allah, which is when the Bismillah was first prayed.

The saying of Bismillah is now widely spread throughout the world and people come together to use this statement. The most important thing you must know about Bismillah is that you should never misuse the saying of Bismillah. If you are going to use it for any reason you must avoid swearing and abuse of any sort. If you are going to use it for any other reason then you should be warned and you will have to find out another reason to use it.

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